March 16, 2007

Joost invitation contest - Part I

joostaward.jpgA few people have asked me if I have any Joost beta invitations since I recently wrote about Joost’s missing feature. Well, I do have two invites to give away. But instead of just giving them randomly, I decided I should have a contest to decide who gets them. But after thinking about it for a few days, I haven’t come up with a good idea for a contest. So here’s what I’ve come up with instead:

There will be two separate contests. The winner of the first contest is the person who comes up with the best idea for the second contest. I tend to favor creativity, so if your suggestion is “You should pick a name out of a hat,” you’re not as likely to be in the running as if you write “You should give it to whoever comes up with the funniest cartoon involving a platypus and a hyena.” The second suggestion sounds like a much better contest.

To enter: Submit your suggestion in the comments below. You must enter your e-mail address to enter, but I won’t be using it for anything other than sending an invitation to the winner. One entry per person, please. Only entries submitted before midnight Eastern time on Monday March 19 Saturday March 17 [I’ve just learned that unused Joost beta invitations will expire on March 22, so I’m shortening the contest to allow sufficient time for the second one] will be considered. I will make a decision on Sunday and announce the winning contest for the second invitation. Have fun!

Update: The contest is over. You can find Part II of the contest here.


Ask for a definition of the word Joost. The most entertaining one wins. And I don’t mean a genuine definition, but what it sounds like it should mean.

The winner of the second contest is the one who comes up with the second-best idea of why they should win a Joost invitation.

Why “second-best?” Paradox, baby, paradox!

the winner must be the owner of the crappiest television set. and provide a picture of it, along with his/her sad face.

A short response to the question
“If you were to receive a Joost invite, how would you use it and why?”
The fun part is, it is to be answered in the style of a Miss America contest.

The winner of contest #2 should send in the most creative picture of what they plan on doing with their TV since they’re no longer using it to watch regular TV shows.

Best sample of the Ironic Sans font.

A second contest? The person who has the best “I see yoda” or “I see Princess Leia” photograph.

Write 3 sentences to explain why receiving a Joost invitation would be ironic. The last sentence must contain all the letters found in the phrase: Ironic Sans.

Nice contest… Looks just like the one I started two weeks ago…

The contest for contestants should be to draw a cartoon of someone from history mis-interperating what Joost would be used for, because their stupid historic brain can’t wrap around things like video on demand or artificial egg whites. Stupid History people.

The 2nd contest should be for the largest, most recently purchased, plasma screen and multi-dish system. The person who just spent loads on a plasma and satellites, but wants Joost.

That, my friends, is irony.

I just want Joost because I am moving to England and don’t want to pay $20/month for a TV license. Yes, a TV license. Anyone who says BBC is free lies.

Second Contest:
“Iconic Santances”
Create a winning rebus: See this page for details.

I have two left too. (That is, if I remember my loging.) So send the email adress of the peepz who finish second in the two contests to info@seeurlfordomainname and I’ll send the invitations out?

In the spirit of St. Patrick’s day, The contest should be that people would have to write a haiku (Syllables: 5 7 5) about the most Irish thing they can think of. Ex.
Father O’Maley
Takes a swig of Guiness beer
For “Fighting Irish”

Mines lame but that’s the first thing that popped into my head. That’s why I have to win THIS contest instead of the next one! :)

Contest: Joust for Joost. Either actual jousting, or the most excellent arcade game.

You could team up with me for the second contest. I could use a hand on You provide the license I provide the site, users provide the videos. I could even name the contest after you or our favorite charity.

Contact page on site, sorry dont need any more spam in my emails.

Who can come up with the worst advertising slogan for Joost?

If Joost was a position in the sport of “Extreme Underwater Basket Weaving”, what would be that players duties on the field of play?

There is some serious irony in using irony on a blog called ironc sans. I lol’d

The second contest shall consist of the following:
1. A shameless sales pitch for a ficticious, deplorable item or service (written).
2. An accompanying picture (real or drawn) of a customer enjoying the ficticious item or service.
The winner is the contestant with the largest discrepancy between the pitch and the product AND the most contributory, tongue-in-cheek funny picture.

If i were to win a joost invite - I would give it away in a contest.

I think the second contest should be held for whomever can create the funniest caption for this picture:

whoever has the best idea for a new product, with ironic sans branding, plus an ad for it.

“1 vs 100” game with on-line web-cam will be perfect and seems easy for them to implement.

I need an invitation which could help me watch the is ironic as this is for the first time that we can watch tv for free. plus u need not have tv cable any more and dont spend thousands of dollars on cable
i will look forward for the invitatio

joost invitation plz
dreammsu AT gmail DOT com

Plz pzl give one invitation of joost..

I would really enjoy a Joost invitation!
Thanks in advance to the one who sends one…


I like to use Joost, can you send me an invitation

please send me an invitation :-)

reviglione [at] gmail [dot] com

I need a invitation…


Joost Invitations Available at JOOST FOR EVERYONE PROJECT


Can you send me a joost invitation too please?
Thanks a lot in advance and have a nice day.